Almira Ayumi Prijanisa, Frida Salsabila, Satrio Bagus Ramadhan, Anies Lastiati


This research examines the implementation of Activity-Based Workplaces (ABW) at PT Yummy Food Utama with the aim of increasing employee productivity. This research uses a qualitative approach originating from PT Yummy Food Utama. Data collection was obtained through direct interviews with Ms. Laras from the Human Resources Department (HR) who was involved in the implementation of Activity-Based Workplaces (ABW). From the results of the data collection, it was found that ABW has been adopted in an effort to create a positive, flexible, and creativity-supportive work environment. However, there were employee adaptation challenges and workspace issues that needed to be addressed. Evaluation of the implementation of Activity-Based Workplaces (ABW) showed some successes, while proposed improvements involved training, facility upgrades, and technological solutions. Analysis of the factors affecting productivity provided holistic insights. This research contributes to designing solutions to improve employee efficiency and productivity at PT Yummy Food Utama. By introducing flexibility in the work environment, the company aims to create conditions that support employees in reaching their full potential. This goal of increasing productivity reflects PT Yummy Food Utama's determination to create a work environment that is dynamic, collaborative and responsive to individual and team needs.
Keywords: activity-based workplaces; productivity employee; effectivity work; flexible; creativity-supportive work environment

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