Naufal Rafianto


Sistem Informasi LENTERA (Learn Technology and Entrepreneur Character) merupakan hasil keluaran digital yang akan dirancang untuk dapat menampung seluruh dosen dan mahasiswa dari beragam aspek keilmuan secara aktif belajar dan berkorelasi dengan ilmu pengetahuan pada aspek teknologi digital dan wirausaha, sehingga terbentuk masyarakat cerdas adaptif di lingkungan kampus Universitas PGRI Madiun / UNIPMA. Dalam pembuatannya sistem informasi LENTERA memanfaatkan SCRUM Framework & Agile Mindset. SCRUM ialah contoh dari kerangka kerja yang menerapkan agile development. SCRUM ialah kerangka kerja yang cocok diimplementasikan dalam pembuatan UX serta UI sebab SCRUM dipergunakan dalam konteks pekerjaan yang cukup rumit dimana kasus tidak bisa diperkirakan. Dalam pembuatan dan pengembangan sistem informasi LENTERA, user experience merupakan hal penting untuk diperhatikan, karena user experience adalah suatu perpspektif yang berperan pentik untuk penentuan tingkat penggunaan aplikasi oleh klien. Maka dari itu sistem informasi LENTERA perlu dievaluasi pengukuran, alat evaluasi pengukuran yang akan digunakan adalah usabilitytesting atau uji kegunaan.


The LENTERA Information System (Learn Technology and Entrepreneur Character) is a digital output that will be designed to accommodate all lecturers and students from various scientific aspects, actively learning and correlated with science in aspects of digital technology and entrepreneurship, so that an adaptive intelligent society is formed in the environment. PGRI Madiun University / UNIPMA campus. In its manufacture, the LENTERA information system utilizes the SCRUM Framework & Agile Mindset. SCRUM is an example of a framework that implements agile development. SCRUM is a framework that is suitable to be implemented in UX and UI development because SCRUM is used in quite complex work contexts where cases cannot be predicted. In the manufacture and development of the LENTERA information system, user experience is an important thing to consider, because user experience is a perspective that plays an important role in determining the level of application usage by clients. Therefore the LENTERA information system needs to be evaluated for measurements, the measurement evaluation tool to be used is usability testing or usability testing     .


LENTERA; Agile Development; User Experience; Usability Testing

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Journal Name:  Journal Information System and Science Technology

Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Sains Teknologi

e-ISSN: 2684-8260
Publisher: Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Universitas Trilogi, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Publication Schedule: February and August
Language: Indonesian and English
APC: Free of charge (submission, publishing) 
Indexing:  Google Scholar, Garuda, Neliti, One Search, Base, DRJI, Road, Crossref, Index CopernicusWorldCat, ScilitDimensions (find by DOI article)
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Collaboration Partners: Indonesian Association of Higher Education in Informatics and Computing (APTIKOM) (Whatsapp Number: +628192454119)

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Journal Information System and Science Technology (Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Sains Teknologi) is Published by Information System Department Trilogi University, South Jakarta, Indonesia. 

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