Farah Margaretha, Vanya Kalista




Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh cost inefficiency, financial capital, loans to assets ratio, bank size, good performance, credit growth, soft budget constrain, deposit rate, dan reserve ratio terhadap non- performing loan pada bank umum swasta nasional devisa dan non devisa di Indonesia periode 2009-2012. Variabel independen (x) yang diteliti adalah cost inefficiency, financial capital, loans to assets ratio, bank size, good performance, credit growth, soft budget constrain, deposit rate, dan reserve ratio, sedangkan variable dependen (y) adalah non-performing loan. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan adalah 31 bank dengan metode purposive sampling. Hasil empiris dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bank size dan soft budget constrain memiliki pengaruh terhadap non-performing loan secara signifikan, sedangkan cost inefficiency, financial capital, loans to assets ratio, good performance, credit growth, deposit rate, dan reserve ratio tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap non-performing loan. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa ukuran suatu bank dapat meningkatkan tingkat non-performing loan bank tersebut. Sedangkan pemberian soft budget constrain terhadap kredit dapat menurunkan tingkat non-perfoming loan. Manajer bank dapat memanfaatkan hasil penelitian untuk mengontrol sebaran kredit yang diberikan dan mengelola resiko kredit denga nmemberi suku bunga rendah.

Kata kunci: Bank Size, Credit, Non-performing loan,Performance, Soft Budget Constrain.



This study aims to determine the effect of cost inefficiency, financial capital, loans to assets ratio, bank size, good performance, credit growth, soft budget constraint, deposit rate, and reserve ratio against non-performing loans of commercial banks in Indonesia 2009-2012. Independent variables in this study (x) are the cost inefficiency, financial capital, loans to assets ratio, bank size, good performance, credit growth, soft budget constraint, deposit rate, and reserve ratio, while the dependent variable (y) is non-performing loan. The samples used were 31 banks with purposive sampling method. The empirical results of this study indicate that bank size and soft budget constraint has no effect on non-performing loans significantly, while the cost inefficiency, financial capital, loans to assets ratio, good performance, credit growth, deposit rate, and reserve ratio has no influence against non-performing loans. This indicates that the size of a bank can increase the level of non- performing loans of the banks. While giving credit with the soft budget constraint may reduce the level of non- performing loan. Bank managers can use the results of research to control the distribution of loans and manage credit risk by giving low interest rate.

Keywords: Bank Size, Credit, Non-performing loan,Performance, Soft Budget Constrain.

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