Amalia Dwi Infani, Aditya Fadillah Azka, Ismi Amallia, Novita Novita


This study aims to design strategic cost management that integrates target costing with the ABC (activity-based costing) method to increase competitive advantage in traditional herbal medicine producers, namely PT. Fatma Day. This research uses a qualitative descriptive analysis method that examines real objects directly using the collected data and provides conclusions on the final results. The data sources used are primary and secondary data. Data sample collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. Determination of the object of research using purposive sampling techniques on one of the traditional herbal products that has a lot of demand, namely the type of herbal medicine for treatment and healing. The results of this study prove that the combination of target costing and activity-based costing can reduce drifting costs so that they do not exceed or at least equal to the predetermined allowable costs. The decrease in drifting costs resulted in an increase in revenue obtained by the company. Target costing is proven to help companies increase their competitive advantage through value engineering and continuous improvement stages that provide product design improvements, material specification changes, and process modifications along with cost efficiency.

Keywords: Strategic cost management, analisis SWOT, target costing, activity-based costing, competitive advantage

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