The purpose of this research is to analyze the performance of the company, namely PT. Ramayana Lestari Sentosa Tbk in achieving maximum goals, using four Balanced Scorecard (BSC) perspectives. The Balanced Scorecard is a performance metric used to identify, improve, and control various business functions and the resulting results. This concept was first introduced in 1992 by David Norton and Robert Kaplan. The research method uses qualitative methods with research data obtained through interviews and literature studies based on previous research. The results of the research show that using the BSC performance measurement method, in general from a financial perspective, customer perspective, and learning and growth perspective, shows good results, as can be seen from the achievement of several targets on key performance indicators (KPI), where there was an increase in performance in running, both from financial, customer, business process and employee aspects.
Keywords: Balance Scorecard_1; Company Performance_2; Optimization_3; Retail Fashion_4Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31326/.v5i2.1998
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