Akbar Maulana Ramadhan, Varell Ari Yuana, Enggar Arya Fradhito, Satrio Bagus Ramadhan, Lely Dahlia


This research discusses the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as a strategic management tool at T&T Salon, a rapidly growing beauty business. The research aims to enhance the understanding and management of salon business performance through the holistic approach provided by BSC. The research methodology involves literature review, SWOT analysis specifically for the beauty industry, and interviews with T&T Salon owners and employees. The implementation of BSC at T&T Salon involves four main perspectives: financial, customer, internal processes, and learning and growth. The research results indicate that the use of BSC has provided significant benefits, including improved financial performance, better customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and enhanced employee development. Additionally, this paper presents an implementation guide for BSC that can be adopted by similar businesses in the beauty industry. By applying BSC, T&T Salon has been able to achieve a strategic balance between financial and non-financial aspects, providing a better understanding of overall business success. This research contributes to the strategic management literature by illustrating the implementation of BSC in the context of the beauty industry and offering insights for business practitioners seeking to improve their performance and business sustainability.

Keyword:Balanced Scorecard_1; Service Company_2; Strategy_3; Business_4

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