Optimization of Extreme Programming Methods in Plastics Waste Management Company Websites
Plastic waste needs to be handled properly according to its type to reduce its negative impact on the earth, such as the issue of global warming which is still being widely discussed among the public. Good and correct plastic waste management has a significant long-term impact on the issue of global warming. Using the optimization of the extreme programming (XP) method to develop a plastic waste management system. With the system development method used, namely extreme programming, this system helps the community to be aware of waste and manage waste as well and wisely as possible. Extreme programming flexibility supports all changes that occur during the process of building this plastic waste management system. The output produced in the construction of this system is the management and sale of plastic waste that can be recycled according to its type. With usability testing that has been carried out, this system has been evaluated and shows a result of 88.07%, this value means that the plastic waste management system is well accepted to be used in plastic waste management.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31326/jisa.v4i2.1018
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