The Design of a Monitoring Application System for The Production of Foam Products Using the UML And Waterfall Methods

Henny Yulianti, Gatot Tri Pranoto


The development of information technology, which is followed by a higher level of competition in the foam product industry, encouraging companies to manage their company's resources properly and to plan effective, systematic and mature activities within the company. As a company with a variety of products, the most dominant problem is in the productivity process. Production is the most important part of a manufacturing company, where in carrying out its production activities this company produces based on orders from customers (Job Orders). And the problems that often occur are planning revisions in the midst of production and changing production schedules between groups (lines), delays in production planning in terms of prioritizing planning, and still being done manually in making daily reports. By implementing monitoring, which is the supervision and control of an activity where measurements and evaluations are completed repeatedly from time to time, monitoring is carried out for the purposes of the company and to maintain ongoing management. Monitoring will provide information about the status and trend of production activities towards the company's goals. The solution to this production problem is to build a web-based foam product production monitoring system application using the Waterfall method which is integrated with UML the method used is use case diagrams, activity diagrams, sequence diagrams, class diagrams and component diagrams and software development with PHP and MySQL technology. With Black box testing, it is proven that the design of this foam production monitoring system application can assist the company's foam product production activities in fulfilling customer orders and accurate reports so that it becomes effective and efficient. in improving the productivity and performance of the company.


Production; Monitoring; Foam; UML; Waterfall

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Copyright (c) 2021 Henny Yulianti, Gatot Tri Pranoto

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Journal Name: JISA (Jurnal Informatika dan Sains)
e-ISSN: 2614-8404, p-ISSN: 2776-3234
Publisher: Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Trilogi
Publication Schedule: June and December 
Language: English
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