Wikrama Vocational High School is one of the schools that routinely carries out the determination of majors every year. The majors process at Wikrama is carried out in the tenth grade by the Guidance and Counseling Teacher (BK Teacher) and the Head of Expertise Competence (Kakomli). BK and Kakomli teachers have difficulty determining the results of majors when there are more interest in one major than other majors, there is a mismatch of majors results because they are not in accordance with the existing majors in the chosen field of expertise and the process of majors is not accurate and fast. This is because it has not used an objective mechanism for determining majors, there is no weighting process, and there is no information system available. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a decision support system (DSS) to assist the process of determining majors using Profile Matching and Interpolation methods. The Profile Matching method is used for appraising decisions, while the Interpolation method is used for the weighting process. The criteria used in each field of expertise are Informatics Engineering with 11 criteria and Computers, Business Management with 8 criteria, and Tourism with 7 criteria. Based on the results of testing and validation that have been carried out by experts, it has an accuracy value of 93%. The accuracy value indicates that the system can provide recommendations for determining the right major. In addition, the interpolation weighting method is proven to increase the accuracy value compared to the ordinal weighting value in Profile Matching. The results of this study are in the form of a decision support system that helps in determining majors objectively, quickly and accurately.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gatot Tri Pranoto, Agung Nugroho, Ahmad Turmudi Zy

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Journal Name: JISA (Jurnal Informatika dan Sains)
e-ISSN: 2614-8404, p-ISSN: 2776-3234
Publisher: Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Trilogi
Publication Schedule: June and December
Language: English
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JISA (Jurnal Informatika dan Sains) is Published by Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Trilogi under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.