Designing a Web-Based Company Profile as a Marketing Facility at PT KLS

Faik Bajsair, Fauzi Baisyir, Novi Hardiansyah


Travel companies need effective marketing tools to reach potential customers. Nowadays, company profile websites have become an effective means of marketing in business. Therefore, travel companies need to design a good and adequate company profile website. The purpose of this research is to design a web-based company profile as a marketing tool for PT KLS. The research methods used are literature studies, field studies, interviews, surveys, analysis, implementation, and evaluation. The results of the study show that the PT KLS company profile website can meet the needs of the company and is effective as a marketing tool. In evaluating the effectiveness of the company profile website, it was found that the website can attract customer interest and increase company sales. Therefore, contractor companies can utilize the company profile website as an effective marketing tool.


Company Profile, Travel, Online Marketing, Website, Marketing

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Journal Name:  Journal Information System and Science Technology

Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Sains Teknologi

e-ISSN: 2684-8260
Publisher: Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Universitas Trilogi, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Publication Schedule: February and August
Language: Indonesian and English
APC: Free of charge (submission, publishing) 
Indexing:  Google Scholar, Garuda, Neliti, One Search, Base, DRJI, Road, Crossref, Index CopernicusWorldCat, ScilitDimensions (find by DOI article)
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Collaboration Partners: Indonesian Association of Higher Education in Informatics and Computing (APTIKOM) (Whatsapp Number: +628192454119)

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Journal Information System and Science Technology (Jurnal Sistem Informasi dan Sains Teknologi) is Published by Information System Department Trilogi University, South Jakarta, Indonesia. 

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