Rekayasa Sosial Aksesibilitas Nafkah Dan Ketersediaan Pangan Responsif Gender Suku Anak Dalam Analisis Kemandirian Masyarakat Melalui Posdaya

Sjaf Sjaf, Sofyan Sofyan, Sumarti Titik


Rekayasa Sosial Aksesibilitas Nafkah Dan Ketersediaan Pangan Responsif Gender Suku Anak Dalam
Analisis Kemandirian Masyarakat Melalui Posdaya


Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) is one of the native communities transformed by the tension of transmigration and palm oil plantations. This study aims to determine the pattern of living, gender relations, and knowledge of local food in SAD community. By using qualitative research methods, this study showed that the SAD community condition is toward the threat of “livelihood and food security crisis“. Furthermore, this threat has implications for the inherent meaning of food security in SAD community, namely food as the identity, the exchange tools, and religion. This threat causes a shift in role of gender in SAD community in the distribution of work and responsibilities, access to resources assets, and relations to authority in decision making between men and women. However, the social and cultural strength in the form of SAD community kinship systems, beliefs and the cosmos, as well as knowledge of local food gives the meaning of importance of building SAD communities through economic empowerment and food institutions that can provide a living accessibility and gender responsive food availability for SAD community that reside both inside and outside the forest.

Key words: SAD Community, food, gender

Social Engineering of Livelihood Accessibility and Food Sustainability of Gender Responsivein Suku Anak Dalam Community Abstract

Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) is one of the native communities transformed by the tension of transmigration and palm oil plantations. This study aims to determine the pattern of living, gender relations, and knowledge of local food in SAD community. By using qualitative research methods, this study showed that the SAD community condition is toward the threat of “livelihood and food security crisis“. Furthermore, this threat has implications for the inherent meaning of food security in SAD community, namely food as the identity, the exchange tools, and religion. This threat causes a shift in role of gender in SAD community in the distribution of work and responsibilities, access to resources assets, and relations to authority in decision making between men and women. However, the social and cultural strength in the form of SAD community kinship systems, beliefs and the cosmos, as well as knowledge of local food gives the meaning of importance of building SAD communities through economic empowerment and food institutions that can provide a living accessibility and gender responsive food availability for SAD community that reside both inside and outside the forest.

Key words: SAD Community, food, gender

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