menyangkut hasil pekerjaan, tetapi menyangkut kelangsungan hidup organisasi.Penelitian ini melibatkan tiga variabel, yakni variabel bebas motivasi (X1) dengan dimensi variabel yang meliputi kemampuan profesional; dan variabel kemampuan (X2) serta variabel terikat yaitu kinerja Guru (Y). Penelitian dilakukan atas dasar metode korelasional untuk mengukur pengaruh variabel tertentu terhadap variabel lain.Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini dengan variabel motivasi (X1) dan kemampuan (X2) terhadap variabel kinerja guru (Y) masing-masing didapat nilai r sebesar 0,878 untuk kemampuan dan 0,906 untuk diklat, kedua niiai tersebut lebih besar dari 0,05 yang berarti bahwa hasil analisis antara variabel independen motivasi (X1) dan Kemampuan (X2) terhadap variabel dependen kinerja guru (Y) mempunyai pengaruh yang singnifikan atau memiliki hubungan yang kuat dan bernilai positif.
Kata Kunci: Motivasi Kerja, Kemampuan Kerja, Kinerja
Abstract : This study relates to increasing Work Motivation and Teacher Ability that must be perceived as a responsibility and needs to be believed as a common interest, because the high and low Motivation of Work and Ability of Work Teachers not only concerns the results of work, but concerns the survival of the organization. , namely the independent motivation variable (X1) with variable dimensions which includes professional abilities; and ability variable (X2) and the dependent variable is Teacher's performance (Y). The study was conducted on the basis of a correlational method to measure the influence of certain variables on other variables. The conclusions from this study with motivation variables (X1) and ability (X2) on teacher performance variables (Y) obtained r values of 0.878 for ability and 0.906 for education and training, these two values are greater than 0.05, which means that the results of the analysis between the independent variables of motivation (X1) and Ability (X2) on the dependent variable of teacher performance (Y) have significant influence or have a strong and positive relationship.
Keywords: Work Motivation, Work Ability, Performance
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