Finding the shortest path sometimes makes most people confused in choosing a path, especially if there are many paths that must be taken to reach one destination. Tracing various routes from Cikampek to Purwokerto is a challenge, with the risk of spending excessive time and money. To solve this problem, this research uses the Ant Colony Algorithm to determine the most efficient path. One of the problems that often arises is that the Cikampek area has 3 routes that can be used to reach Purwokerto, namely the Cikampek - Indramayu (Patrol), Cikampek - Subang, and Cikampek - Bandung routes. The purpose of determining the shortest path is to provide the shortest path solution to users so that they can reach their destination faster and save time and costs. In this study, we use Ant Algorithm because the route from Cikampek to Purwokerto depends on many road factors and other conditions that could change from time to time. For example, traffic congestion and road repairs are major factors. The ant algorithm has strong customization capabilities to determine the shortest path based on the pheromone trails left by ants during exploration. This means that the ant algorithm can work optimally even if there are many factors in road conditions. In addition, the ant algorithm has the ability to handle problems with a large number of nodes, so it can explore various possibilities efficiently. The ant algorithm is an appropriate choice for finding the shortest path in a journey involving complex and diverse routes. There are six steps required to complete the ant algorithm. The first step is initialization, the second step is path selection, and the third step is setting the ant trail and communication between the ants hit by the trail in path selection. The fourth step is to look for visibility, the fifth step is to stop the criterion until it reaches a certain condition, and the last step is to determine the path by calculating probabilities. The results of this study indicate that the ant algorithm can be used to determine the shortest path which is then displayed. This research aims to assist the community in making decisions and determining the location of the city that must be passed. This study took 8 location points with starting point A and destination point H. Based on the results of the discussion it can be concluded that the shortest route from Cikampek to Purwokerto is with 3 routes, namely first (A à D à E à F à H) with a distance of 355 KM, second (A à D à G à F à H) with a distance of 431 KM and the third (A à D à E àH) with a distance of 317 KM.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mohammad Amin Tohari, Fauzan Cholis Ar rasyid, Muhammad Husni, Zidhan Arrasyid, Thorik Agung Prakoso, Dasril Aldo
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Journal Name: JISA (Jurnal Informatika dan Sains)
e-ISSN: 2614-8404, p-ISSN: 2776-3234
Publisher: Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Trilogi
Publication Schedule: June and December
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