Jurnal Caksana: Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini is a scientific journal containing of conceptual ideas, studies, and application of theory, practitioners' writing from the research and teaching in the field of early childhood education. Published twice a year in june and December by the Early Childhood Teacher-Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Trilogi Jakarta .
The journal is focusing on articles of Early Childhood Education, Development of Media and Technology, Development and Learning, Management, Multicultural Education, Development of Nutrition and Growth of Early Childhood Education
Journal title | Jurnal Caksana : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini |
Language | English (preferred), Indonesia |
ISSN | 2622-0547 (online), 2621-9859 (print) |
Frequency | 2 issues per year (Semiannual) |
DOI | Prefix 10.31004/caksana by Crossref |
Acreditation | - |
Editor-in-chief | Dhita Paranita Ningtyas |
Publisher | Program Studi PGPAUD FKIP Universitas Trilogi Jakarta |
Citation Analysis | Google Scholar |
Pengajuan Akreditas Sinta |
Kepada Yth Penulis dan Pembaca Jurnal Caksana: Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Kami infokan saat ini Jurnal Caksana: Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini sudah dalam pengajuan akreditasi ke Sinta dan dalam tahap proses penilaian Editor in Chief |
Posted: 2024-05-19 | |
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Vol 7, No 1 (2024): Jurnal Caksana: Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini
Table of Contents
Maya Dwi Puspitasari, Roostrianawahti Soekmono, Mia Rachmawaty
Endang Sri Rahayu
Iklimatul Hasanah, RR. Deni Widjayatri
Nasya Devriane Habibah, Syefriani Darnis
Sisilia Radea Santi
Iklimatul Samlawi